
Annotated Links: Search Tutorials

Help us grow this resource! These pages contain links to web resources that many find useful in bringing 21st Century Information Fluency skills into the classroom. If you have suggestions for additional sites (or if any of these sites are not working) please write us:

This page features a table comparing search engines and their and features like clustering, stemming, search within spidered version, invisible web, etc.  This is a very good teacher resource to use with students.
The major search engines have many features to assist beginning searchers. The information on this web site may be helpful. This page summarizes and illustrates some of the major search assistance features (clustering, stemming, search within spidered version, advanced searches, sorting by date, date range, and customization of search results.
This is a series of 17, ‘very short and succinct’ lessons on how to search the Internet and evaluate resources. It is updated regularly by Ellen Chamberlain, Library Webweaver for the University of South Carolina. This site provides an excellent way to build your own solid foundation in information fluency.
Joe Barker, teaching librarian for the University of California, Berkeley, provides in-depth comparisons of Google, Teoma, AllTheWeb Advanced, and Alta Vista Advanced. The convenient side-by-side chart style of presentation helps you judge each site based on a variety of criteria including: size, noteworthy features and limitations, phrase searching, Boolean logic, results ranking, filed limiting, truncation, case sensitivity, language and translation capability. Included are links to a .pdf version of the chart. A lot of well formatted information in a concise and handy package!
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