
Tutorial Directory

Why check the accuracy of information on a web page?

The accuracy of factual information can help you judge the credibility of the author. Accuracy of information can also provide clues to possible bias in the resource under investigation.

Most web pages are not reviewed or edited by professional editors or publishers. Anyone can post just about anything they want on the Internet. A second grader can claim to be a nobel prize winner. A Russian professor can be mistaken for an American child due to lack of familiarity with the English language. Satirists or hoax perpetrators can build websites that present an alternate reality.


Don't rely on first impressions. A good way to check factual data is to ask probing questions.

Practice this critical thinking skill until it is second nature.
Ask yourself:
  • What claims is the author making?
  • What evidence does the author give to support those claims?
  • What evidence do I find elsewhere to support those claims?
  • What evidence do I find elsewhere to refute those claims?

How to check the accuracy of information on a web page

Look for:

  • proper nouns
  • dates
  • essential keywords

Use these embedded information accuracy clues to find and check evidence

Always go outside of a website and use search engine to find credible resources that confirm or refute the facts under investigation.


Triangulation of Data: This is a standard for serious research. Find at least three sources that agree on the same data point. If you can't find three credible resources that confirm the data, be suspicious!

For example, the distance from the earth to the sun is 93 million miles, fluctuating up to 3 million miles due to its elliptical orbit. Some resources will just say 90 million miles, some 93 million miles and stop there. Until you have three sources that agree on a number, you don't really know for sure. Remember triangulation of data is crucial when checking accuracy.
evaluation challenge

Is it Accurate?

Try this interactive micromodule companion for a hands on experience in determining the accuracy of web-based information. Test your skills:

  • finding embedded evidence
  • checking evidence for accuracy
  • triangulation of data
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Content authored by Dennis O'Connor 2003 | modified 2015