15 Challenges

About these Tutorials

About these Tutorials

These tutorials start with two Investigative Challenges that focus on basic methods of locating information without a search engine. These are essential for investigation as well as the last steps in using a search engine to home in on information.

  • Investigative Challenge 1 - Browsing
  • Investigative Challenge 2 - URL Truncation

Challenge 1

Investigation: Find who wrote the article

Swedish Spaceship Program (click to open in new tab)


Who is the author?

Sometimes it's hard to find who wrote an article online. If the author's name is not found on the page, try BROWSING. Click links where more information about the article or the author may be found.

What links seem promising?

  • Articles

      Is the author's name found here?
  • About Us

      Is the author's name found here?
  • Contact

      Is the author's name found here?

Who is the author?

    Based on your findings, copy and paste the name of the author below