Guided Mastery challenges
About these Games

How to play Search Challenges

Solve each Search Challenge using Google or another search engine. Hints are provided that can guide the search process. Each time an incorrect answer is entered, another hint is provided and a point is deducted.

Your earned score is displayed each time you complete a Challenge.

Each Challenge is worth up to 5 points. There are four Challenges in each series. A fluency goal is to learn from mistakes, not necessarily achieve a perfect score.

Guided Mastery Challenges

Searching online can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Work on mastering Search Box Strategy. This series of four guided searches is more challenging that the last.

A total score of 20 is perfect, but you can earn less than that and still be fluent. Try to use as few hints as possible. Remember, a goal of information fluency (mastery) is not to give up.

Start Searching