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Answering the question, "How is browsing different than searching?"
There are fundamentally two different types of searches. This article compares them in terms of the Digital Information Fluency Model and strategic decisions that follow from each.
Thinking Outside the Search Box
In Confessions of a Search Challenge Designer, Carl Heine leads a behind-the-scenes tour of Search Challenge creation.
Finding My Way: How GPS and Internet Navigation Intersect
GPS serves as an analogy for Internet navigation in this search process story authored by Dan Balzer.
Teaching digital information fluency: Make it usable
The article answers the question, What are the best ways to use, sequence and adapt these resources?
In this podcast, two of the creators of the Resource Kits, Dennis O'Connor and Carl Heine share practical ways to use the Resource Kits.
QuickPick: Integrating Resources into Existing Lessons
Using Kit resources as plug-ins if you are unable to offer a unit in research skills
Model Lessons: Digital Transformation
To test the hypothesis that transforming non-digital lessons plans into digital experience requires little effort, we pulled half a dozen lessons from the Internet. The result is six model lessons in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies at a range of grade levels, 3 to 12.
To Get Started, try this popular MicroModule: Search Process
Action Zone
Lego Tower Challenge
The right strategic choices make this an easy search. With only a picture to start with, find how long it took Master Builders to finish this famous tower.
Assessment Games as Motivators for Student Learning
Not only are games good motivators, they can be used for assessment!