Two Types of Searching
There are two types of online searching: speculative and investigative. What type of searching is primarily involved in these examples?
How many buffalo are there in North America today? answer
XHow Many Buffalo?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching if you don't know where the answer is.
Who published the Elect Susie Flynn Presidential Campaign? answer
XWho Published This?
This is an example of INVESTIGATIVE searching -- Look up the publisher using
Who authored the Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Test? answer
XWho Authored This?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching because the author's name is not found on the page.
When was Suzuki's MagicSquares.html last updated? answer
XWhen was this Last Updated?
This is an example of INVESTIGATIVE searching -- use Page Info to check last modified information.
How many films has John Williams the classical guitarist scored? answer
XHow many films?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching if you don't know where the answer is. There is a good site ( for this kind of information, but you're still not sure if the information you are looking for is there.
Can Google retrieve historial weather data? answer
XCan Google Retrieve This?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching. Since Google can't retrieve it, you need to speculate how to find it.
What is the highest freshwater lake in Tibet? answer
XWhat is the Highest Lake?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching if you don't know where the answer is.
Who links to New Zealand Golf Cross? answer
Where can I find a picture of a labrador wearing a hat? answer
XWhere is this Image?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching if you don't know where the answer is. This requires finding the right database and how to search it.
What is the top speed of earth's fastest animal? answer
XWhat is the Top Speed?
This is an example of SPECULATIVE searching if you don't know where the answer is.