
Annotated Links: Introduction to the Internet

Help us grow this resource! These pages contain links to web resources that many find useful in bringing 21st Century Information Fluency skills into the classroom. If you have suggestions for additional sites (or if any of these sites are not working) please write us:

Professional vocabulary, jargon, 'nerd-speak' call it what you like, the Internet has its own vocabulary. Understanding that vocabulary can be challenging. Here's a solid basic glossary of terms for your ready reference.
This archived article was written before most of today's students were born. It makes an interesting benchmark in how the Internet worked and what it was a generation ago.
Free slide-based lessons on Internet basics: What is it? How is it used? Connecting to the Internet, Browser Basics, Search Engines and Strategies and a Quiz.
Joan Vandervelde is the director of the Online Professional Development at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Joan has written a fine overview of hypertext reading. This course explains how you should approach reading tasks in online environments.
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