
Annotated Links: Deep (Invisible) Web

Help us grow this resource! These pages contain links to web resources that many find useful in bringing 21st Century Information Fluency skills into the classroom. If you have suggestions for additional sites (or if any of these sites are not working) please write us:

Basic information about the Invisible Web, including why search engines can't 'see' the Deep Web, what's on the Deep Web, myths about the Deep Web, how to search the Deep Web.
The Bright Planet website has cutting-edge information about the Deep Web. This is a page of search results for articles on the Deep Web.
This article covers numerous aspects of the Invisible or Deep Web.
This site provides a strong overview of the Invisible web to help library users improve their search skills. The glossary is an excellent quick orientation to the professional vocabulary of Invisible Web searching. The Invisible Web-ography provides an extensive annotated list of web based sites and papers about the Invisible Web. This single sight will help orient newcomers and intermediate level users to the key issues in the field.
Explains why pages may be invisible, how to increase visibility (known as SEO) and provides a list of deep web search tools.
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