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For School, Work and Life

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Resources and Tools available for purchase

Fees listed are for permanent, non-exclusive rights to the materials. Expect to pay more for exclusive rights.

Search Challenge Tutorials $500

search challenges IIThere are over 50 separate tutorial challenges to be used as self-paced or group instruction in browsing, querying, solving pesky searches, evaluating Web content and searching for citation elements. Each section begins with one free preview activity.
Search Challenges (Preview a Browsing Tutorial)

Information Researcher $2,000

information researcherThis self-guided package is designed for students in middle school through college as well as professional development for teachers and librarians. The learning experience includes pre- and post- performance assessments and 9 levels of interactive tutorials. Information Researcher is a premium assessment/tutorial package for achieving information fluency in classes, library orientation, workshops or independent study. Package subscribers can monitor online performance to identify gaps in how learners locate and evaluate digital information. Requires a database connection.
Preview a Tutorial

Power Searching Mini Course (Google Classoom) $500

mini coursesSix self-paced search challenges replicate research assignments that teach Power Searching strategies and skills. The final challenge may be delivered face-to-face. May be used to award an Information Fluency Power Searching badge. Preview The Course

Plagiarism Dropbox $500

Information Researcher BadgeOnce students complete Plagiarism Dropbox they can't say they were never told about plagiarism or how to avoid it. Two series of examples focus attention on recognizing and fixing different forms of plagiarism. Students are allowed to continue only when they demonstrate satisfactory levels of understanding. Effective for upper elementary levels through college.
Preview an Example

Keyword Challenges $500

Move confidently beyond easy searches. Real research requires search strategies to make effective use of keywords and operators. Elevate your search skills with these 10 essential query strategies and 19 practice challenges.
Preview an Example: Additive Strategies Bad Apple Tree

Bad Apple Challenges $300

Strengthen investigative skills, focusing on six areas: author, publisher, bias, freshness, backlinks and fact checking.
Preview an Example: Golf Cross

Glossary and Tips $50


Three levels of tips take the guesswork out of FINDING digital information, EVALUATING it and CITING it to avoid plagiarism. Help students understand essential information literacy terms and language with the Glossary.

Guided Search Challenges $300


Make a game out of searching. Even AI has difficulty with these 16 challenges that range from novice to advanced. Search strategy tips are provided for tracking down elusive information. Students love it.
Try a sample challenge (Level 2)

Website Investigator (WSI) $500


Practice investigative searching with four tricky cases. Is there evidence to support their claims? Who is responsible for posting this information? Step-by-step tutorials are included for finding the author, publisher, publication date, detecting bias, evaluating secondary sources, evidence and accuracy. Equip your students in the fight against fake news. Preview a Case

MicroModules $200


Over three dozen tutorials may be assigned as homework or incorporated in the classroom. These lessons cover the entire range of Information Fluency from accessibility to citation. Educators may request quizzes for selected clusters of MicroModules (e.g., Searching, Evaluation and Citation).
Preview the MicroModule Directory

15 Challenges $200

15 Challenges introduce the skills needed to locate and evaluate information online efficiently and effectively.
Preview the 15 Challenges

Citation Wizards $1,000 for one or all five

One of the most popular tools sets on our site are the Citation Wizards, available in the following formats: APA, Chicago, CSA, Harvard, MLA.
Preview a Citation Wizard (Page View)
Preview a Citation Result (Page Views

Investigative Tutorials $500 for all five

Step-by-step strategies and tools for evaluating AUTHORSHIP, PUBLISHER, DATE FRESHNESS FACT CHECKING, BIAS
Preview an Interactive Tutorial