Full Circle Kits

Resources for Teaching and Learning

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Information Fluency Full Circle Resource Kits are used by thousands of teachers, librarians and technology coordinators to train today's students in critical 21st Century research skills.

Each Kit contains articles, curriculum, learning games and assessment tools for strengthening information fluency. Applications include staff development, library orientation, diagnosing students' needs and curriculum integration for elementary grades through college. Volume One Kit resources are free.

Volume One Directory

(the original 10 monthly Kits)

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Getting Started: Basic search strategies, types of searching, instructional guidelines for teaching information fluency

Question to Query: Creating effective queries

Operators: Using Boolean operators and advanced operators to best advantage

Database Choices: Where to find relevant information using search engines and databases, searching the Deep Web

Homing In: Scanning snippets to find better keywords, advanced search strategies and troubleshooting

Browsing: Scanning subject directories, links and tags to find relevant information

Evaluation / Investigative Searching: Finding and evaluating information about the author, publisher, date, objectivity, accuracy, evidence, links to and from in order to determine credibility

Web 2.0: Searching and evaluating information on the Read-Write Web

Ethical Use: Using proper citation techniques to avoid plagiarism and how fair use affects educators' use of information from the Internet

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