Full Circle Kits
Question to Query
Question to Query
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Turning Questions into Queries
Part One of the five-part series, Five Things Today's Digital Generation Cannot Do, identifies the problems students encounter when trying to use queries and indicates what may be done to help them.
Kitchen Conversations
Dan Balzer describes a discussion that took place at his kitchen table and how he used the query checklist to suggest a solution to a friend's problem.
Action Zone User's Guide to Keyword Challenges
Tips on ways to use the Keyword Challenge series for classroom instruction and individual learning.
Action Zone User's Guide to Snowsport Challenges
These three interactive challenges span the search process from forming the initial query to finding better keywords in snippets.
Popular MicroModules:
Action Zone
2013 Pump Price Challenge
Find a table that shows the year Americans paid the least for a gallon of gas, using 2013 dollars (timed)
Blue Diamond Challenge
Use an effective combination of keywords to find the name of a famous diamond that glows red when exposed to UV rays. (timed)
Optimal Query Assessment
This online assessment analyzes students' effectiveness in creating effective queries.
Optimal Query Assessment Users Guide
Use this guide to interpret students' performance searching with queries.