Literary Dialogs: Dr. Marcus Letter, Phd

Dr. Marcus Letter (BS, MA, MS, Phd, DDs)

Dr. Marcus Letter, Phd wearing his revolutionary power generating, aluminum lined, solar beanie.Dr. Marcus Letter (BS, MA. MS., Phd, DDs) has been a resident scholar of minerals at the Semi-National University of Independent Study in St. Kitts, Caribbean, since 1994. He is internationally known for his work as both a scientist and educator.

Dr. Letter is a reformed neo-luddite who recently had a global GPS tracking system installed into his cerebral cortex.  This devise is powered by a unique solar and wind generator of Dr. Letter's own design. (Patent Pending).

When not participating in his scholarly activities, Dr. Letter enjoys snorkeling and Kiteboarding in the clear waters surrounding his adopted home on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts.

Dr. Letter moved to the Caribbean to pursue his education. He chose to stay on the Island because, "Knowledge is Good. I learn a lot here!"  The Doctor is always in, so feel free to write! Write Dr. Letter

The view from the island of St. Kitts

Dr. Letter's Vita:

  • Born Granada Hills, California
  • Undergraduate Education: Semi-National University University
  • Graduate Education: Oxford Open University
  • Volunteer: St. Kitts Beach Cleanup 2002
  • Research Fellow (Retired): St. Regis University (LIberia)
  • Currently Curator of Cockleshells, St. Kitts Children's Museum.
  • Member of the St. Kitts Businessman's Society.




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