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Ready-to-use resources as plug-ins in place of a unit in research skills

Password - Vocabulary

To generate the list of words to play the original vocabulary game, have students enter single words (at first) as queries into a search engine, looking for related keywords in the snippets. If necessary, Snippet Sleuth or Snowsport II could be used to introduce the idea of reading snippets for important clues.

The original objective, to list words that relate to vocabulary words, is preserved and augmented by gaining experience using a search engine and mining snippets to find targeted vocabulary.

Summary of Changes

Original Lesson: Password -- Vocabulary Review Adapted Lesson
GRADE LEVEL: Appropriate for all grades and all subject areas.  
OBJECTIVE(s): 1) For Guided Practice, after a lesson where new vocabulary and concepts are introduced; 2) For review before starting a new unit; 3) To help students assess what they need to study for a quiz or test; 4) As a vocabulary review before reading a new text.  
ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES: The teacher provides vocabulary words used in a current unit in any subject area. Students pair up and one gives a clue without using the vocabulary word itself. The second player tries to guess the vocabulary word. Rounds are timed (30 seconds) and the number of clues given are recorded (10 is the max). Play alternates between players.

Generate a list of words to play this vocabulary game by having students use single words (at first) as queries, looking for related words in the snippets. If necessary, Snippet Sleuth could be used to introduce the idea of reading snippets for important clues.

Example: In a oceanography unit you may have the word current. One definition might be: a large portion of water moving in a certain direction. The following might be a list of words for the game: CURRENT - water - stream - rip (currents) - flow - swirl - longshore (currents) - convection - meandering - Peruvian undertow - wind - upwelling - surface - course - Gulf (as in Gulf Stream) - wave - torrent - ocean - movement - eddy - sailing - tide - surge

Based on the example of CURRENT, here are the results of entering only that word into Google:

• electric, density, ocean, velocity, hydrographic.

The majority of results are for the "now" meaning of current. Words more closely related to science subjects may be found by including a second word, e.g., ocean current. Now the results include:

• mounds, water, flow, basins, Gyres, atmospheric, circulation, surface, warm, motion, wind, tides, gravity, Gulf Stream, climate, temperature

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