Searching | Evaluation | Ethical Use
Locating Resources on the Web

Tip #6 Search the best sites in depth
While the enormous size of the Internet makes it possible to gather documents from a wide variety of sources, sites that specialize in particular subjects or topics are often the most efficient and effective way to get what you want. This is particularly true if time is limited.
Searching specialized sites dedicated to your topic in depth is a powerful strategy. Once you find a promising resource use the site's internal search capabilities or site map to look more deeply into the material.
Sites containing a lot of detailed information on specific subjects:
US Geological Survey (USGS): Good for information on earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, maps, and more.Online Learning Module: URLs: How do URLs Work?
PBS The Public Broadcasting System maintains an deep and rich site of materials that archives information on a diverse group of topics.
The Librarian's Index to the Internet is an in depth subject directory created and maintained by professional librarians.
Online Learning Module: Sitemaps: What are they and how do they work?